
Showing posts from September, 2024


  fruit bowl photoshop winter palette:


  Denotation :  There is a young boy who seems to be disappointed, he is standing in a very dry area, its very sandy almost like a desert. He is wearing an old blue shirt, which is very dull. Connotation : The connotation of the boy's disappointed face suggests that he is unhappy about the situation in his town and him being young is telling how little children are also struggling and not just older people. The colour of his shirt is very dull and it looks like an old shirt which might be to show us that they don't have enough resources, not just water but also clean clothes or clean water to clean clothes. The background being dry might be to emphasize the fact that they don't have clean water. Analysis: The advert helps the audience be more aware about the issues going around the world that need to be more heard about, it helps give the audience more of an understanding about what other people are going through right now. In addition, the young boy is showing the audience


First 10 questions: 1. Which part of media are you looking forward to the most? Im looking forward to going more indepth on messages that social media gives us, and to doing the marvel work the most in media. 2. What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in media? i hope to learn how to analyse stereotypes or rumours made about people. 3.  What grade are you realistcly hoping to achieve in media? Im hoping to achieve a grade above 6 in media. 4. What device do you use the most to access media? I use my phone to access media the most. 5.  What is your average screen time (or equivalent) on your phone each day? is this too much or too less? why? My average screen time last week was 6h 50m on my phone each day, i think its too much because you shoudlnt be on your phone for that long as its going to affect your eyes. 6. What was the last tv programme or film you watched? The last film i watched was spiderman homecoming. 7. What device or subscrption do you use to listen to music? I use