First 10 questions:

1. Which part of media are you looking forward to the most?

Im looking forward to going more indepth on messages that social media gives us, and to doing the marvel work the most in media.

2. What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in media?

i hope to learn how to analyse stereotypes or rumours made about people.

3.  What grade are you realistcly hoping to achieve in media?

Im hoping to achieve a grade above 6 in media.

4. What device do you use the most to access media?

I use my phone to access media the most.

5.  What is your average screen time (or equivalent) on your phone each day?
is this too much or too less? why?

My average screen time last week was 6h 50m on my phone each day, i think its too much because you shoudlnt be on your phone for that long as its going to affect your eyes.

6. What was the last tv programme or film you watched?

The last film i watched was spiderman homecoming.

7. What device or subscrption do you use to listen to music?

I use spotify on my phone to listen to music.

8. Do you play video games? If so, what do you play games on and what is your favourite game?
I dont really play videogames.

9. Are you on social media? If so, what social media do you have and why do you like it?

I have instagram, i like it because it allows me to see what my friends are doing or where they went, and i can also chat to them.
i have tik tok, i like it because i can watch vidoes when im bored and send them to my friends.

10. Finally, do you think media is a positive thing for young people? why?

I think its a negative thing for younger people as they should go out and enjoy their childhood while they can instead of being locked on their phones all day.


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