
 There is a young boy who seems to be disappointed, he is standing in a very dry area, its very sandy almost like a desert. He is wearing an old blue shirt, which is very dull.


The connotation of the boy's disappointed face suggests that he is unhappy about the situation in his town and him being young is telling how little children are also struggling and not just older people. The colour of his shirt is very dull and it looks like an old shirt which might be to show us that they don't have enough resources, not just water but also clean clothes or clean water to clean clothes. The background being dry might be to emphasize the fact that they don't have clean water.


The advert helps the audience be more aware about the issues going around the world that need to be more heard about, it helps give the audience more of an understanding about what other people are going through right now. In addition, the young boy is showing the audience that little children who dont have such a high immunity are not being provided with basic human needs such as clean water, and his dissapointed face is persuading the audience to help him and other kids like him have a better childhood and better resources to grow up with.


There is a cigarette catching some sort of disease, there are facts letting you know how cigarettes can affect your health, and there is a link if you need support quiting


The connotation to the cigarette catching a disease might suggest how smoking cigarettes affects your health very badly, and how the disease can spread very quickly without you even realising. in addition, as the cigarette is still burning it might suggest how even though the bad habit is affecting your health really badly, you still can't help but keep smoking because of how addictive it is.


The advert is trying to reach an audience addicted to smoking to persuade them to quit, to persuade them they give them facts like how 'every 15 cigarettes you smoke causes a mutation that can become cancer', so the audience will get worried about their health and get extra motivation to quit their bad habit, but as the substance is very addicting and really hard to quit they add a website which helps you quit smoking which provides more support for the audience.


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